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    (225) 709-7777 Get the latest UK news sent straight to your inbox with our FREE email newsletter! Slot machines go by many names! “Slot machine” or simply “slots” are American and Canadian English, while “fruit machine” or “fruities” are more common in British English. In Scottish English these are referred to as “puggies” and in Australia and New Zealand, you might hear them called “poker machines” or “pokies”, though these are still the same type of gambling machines. Slots have also been called “one-arm bandits” for their large levers used to spin the earlier mechanical slot machines. Contact information and subscriptions After winning its games in the Big Blue Bahamas by an average of 50 points per game, the Wildcats are No. 4. NCAA runner-up North Carolina is No. 1, followed by Gonzaga and Houston while Duke rounds out the top five.

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