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  1. Pingback: 2opponent
  2. If you’re impaired because you’ve used cannabis or any other substance, it’s illegal for you to be at work. If your impairment is the result of the medical use of cannabis or another substance, talk to your employer. You may be eligible for an accommodation, depending on how safety-sensitive your job is. Online sales and delivery for Canna Cabana stores in Alberta should function similar to the company’s Ontario operation, Khan said, which involves selecting the nearest store from the retailer’s website, where consumers must confirm that they are of legal age to purchase cannabis before placing an order that is then delivered by a store driver who completes a second identification check at the door. As legal marijuana expands its presence, markets will open up and boom. Every cannabis business in such states must be prepared to sell cannabis online. Now is the time to position for the implementation of a cannabis e-commerce platform to complement your cannabis retail store.
    Cannabis laws are different in each province and territory in Canada. This includes legal age, where cannabis can be sold and consumed, and possession limits. Cannabis can be used for either medical or recreational purposes. The difference is really in the use. When we talk about medical cannabis, it’s in reference to cannabis being used to alleviate symptoms of various health conditions and diseases under the guidance of a physician and with the right authorization. Recreational cannabis, however, is not used to serve any medical purpose. The legalization of recreational cannabis dominated the news cycle in 2018 with the Cannabis Act taking effect in October. This has generated similar media hype around medical cannabis and raised questions about its implications for health insurance. Recent Health Canada statistics suggest approximately 300,000 Canadians are registered to use cannabis for medical purposes, a number that has grown exponentially in recent years.

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  5. Medical cannabis prices also vary across Canada. Patients can pay as little as $9 for a gram of medical-grade marijuana, with prices increasing from there. On average, many patients spend anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 per year on medical cannabis. The legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada has brought the plant into the limelight. If you take cannabis for medical purposes, you may be wondering if you can claim it as a medical expense on your tax return, or if your workplace benefits plan will help pay for it. But before submitting a claim, here are few things you should understand: Cannabis hasn’t killed a single person and only helps people. It’s not like we’re talking about fentanyl, that is what they put me on when I cannot afford cannabis. Oh and fentanyl is free for me, I actually pay a lot of money to not have to take it. Think about that for a second, I choose to pay a large portion from my meager disability income instead of taking the fully government covered fentanyl. THE GOVERNMENT GIVES ME NARCOTIC OPIODS LIKE FENTANYL AND MORPHINE FOR FREE BUT I HAVE TO PAY $1500 FOR A FULL PRESCRIPTION OF CANNABIS THAT COMPLETELY REPLACES THEM. The government needs to get their priorities straight.
    The bill also would have legalized medical cannabis dispensaries, but Gov. Gregoire vetoed most of it, citing a concern that state workers could be prosecuted under federal law. The transportation of recreational marijuana from a state where it is legal to a state where it is not legal causes further complications for law enforcement. Existing federal statutes make interstate transport of marijuana or marijuana products illegal. However, the rise of novel consumption methods such as marijuana-infused beverages, chocolates, and candies has presented law enforcement officials with significant detection and enforcement challenges. Further, in states where such consumption methods are legal, authorities have reported cases of minors mistaking the drug for something safe to eat.  Oklahoma is preparing to put the question of legal marijuana to voters in March 2023. The measure was supposed to appear on the November 2022 ballot, but various problems prevented it from being there. Ohio is also gearing up to put the question up for a vote in 2023, and Minnesota may pass legislation legalizing marijuana without a state constitutional amendment. Hawaii may also be preparing to vote for the legalization of marijuana as well. Meanwhile, citizen-led ballot initiatives could get the question on the ballot in Wyoming, Idaho, Florida and Nebraska.

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